- Programs
PGAE Child Development Center

High quality childcare was identified as a need for families on the Monterey Peninsula, through several surveys conducted by the Monterey Peninsula Adult Education Consortium.
The Child Development Center offers a quality childcare program which is designed to meet the needs of the community and includes free parent engagement classes to families to increase student success as their children transition to elementary school. We currently serve children from the ages of 18 months to 5 years old.
Our staff is dedicated, reliable and most importantly child centered. They encourage the children to explore and create daily while always searching for innovative ideas for the children. Our staffing ratios meet the Child Care Licensing Standards and our staff is required by law to undergo a Criminal Background Reference check prior to employment.
The Child Development Center is open 210 days per year. Days and hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. excluding Holidays, PGUSD Professional Development Days and PGUSD observed non-student days. Please call our Child Development Center Office for more information 831-646-6623.
Program Statement
Pacific Grove Adult Education Child Development Center is committed to providing a well-rounded environment for our children, families and educators. We do this by incorporating and setting goals for our program using the California Preschool Learning Foundations. At the Pacific Grove Adult Education Child Development Center, we believe that children are competent, capable and curious and rich in potential. We will foster the following foundations of learning which are Belonging, Well- being, Engagement and Expression within all aspects of our program.
We service children from 18 months to 5 years of age. The childcare environment is designed to encourage and facilitate growth in all areas of development. We believe that children learn through play and interaction with their environment.
Keeping in line with the California Department of Education Early Learning Foundations and credential expectations along with those of the Community College ECEs, Pacific Grove Adult Education strives to support staff in their professional development. Staff will develop professional development plans to ensure they have the resources to support children and families within the context of “How does Learning Happen” and beyond.
Our primary objective is to meet the needs of children and their families through the provision of high quality, licensed childcare services. Our program takes into consideration the varying ages and abilities of the children and strives to meet their unique needs within the context of the whole group. In addition, we provide a wide variety of stimulating activities, both indoor and outdoor, to achieve these needs.
The childcare environment is designed to encourage and facilitate growth in all areas of development, including but not limited to social, physical, intellectual, cognitive and emotional development. We believe that children learn through play and interaction with their environment. We provide a variety of planned activities and experiences that are developmentally appropriate to meet the children’s needs and allow them to maximize their individual potential within a group setting.
Group participation and play are integral parts of our program and contribute to the development of self confidence and sense of mutual respect. Beyond fundamental predetermined health and safety rules, we encourage the children to learn the boundaries of behavior through a positive system of setting limits, thereby maintaining self-respect and encourage the children to approach decision and problem-solving.
Toddler Classroom (15 Students)
Toddler Classroom (15 Students)
Teacher Jennifer Hall
Assistant Ryan Bullas
Assistant Kine Samuels
Toddler Class Daily Schedule:
Toddler Class Daily Schedule:
7:00 a.m. - Parent Drop Off & Outside play, art and activities (weather permitting)
9:15 a.m. - Cleanup, Handwashing & Snack time
9:45 a.m. - Diapers, toileting & handwashing/Individual activity sets
10:00 a.m. - Small group Circle time, calendar and songs (split group, 6 children inside, 6 children outside & rotate)
10:30 a.m. - Outdoor play, large motor & art activities
11:35 a.m. - Clean up, toileting and hand washing
11:55 a.m. - Lunch
12:30 p.m. - Nap/Quiet Time
3:00 p.m. - Wake-up, toileting, handwashing and snack time
3:30 p.m. - Clean-up, Handwashing
3:50 p.m. - Outdoor Play and activities followed by Parent pick up
Pre-Kindergarten Classroom (12 students)
Pre-Kindergarten Classroom (12 students)
Teacher Molly Binsfeld
Assistant Christina Bronfeld
Assistant Amaya Gamecho
Pre-Kindergarten Daily Schedule